Monday, May 26, 2008

The Torture Sessions: Response, letter to editor

It is horrible that our government violated and abused these American laws and lied to the public because it gives U.S. citizens more reason not to trust the government and President Bush. I find it also amusing how we can find time to make decisions that go against national laws, and yet, cannot address or solve issues that are affecting our public, economy and relationships with other countries. This makes the United States look really bad and gives other countries more reasons to dislike us and be even more pissed off because they see that we can't even be honest or forward with our own country. So other countries, such as Iraq can use this as an advantage and also as a weapon against us because it puts our captured soldiers at risk for serious injures and death; they probably figure, 'what the hell, since they are doing it to our people and soldiers, we can do it to theirs.' I think that our government really needs to switch their gears up and think about the negative image and message this is sending to Americans nation-wide.

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