Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Magazine Exercise

1.) The New Yorker: May 12, 2008

Article: "Bad Dog" By:Larry Doyle
In this article Mr. Doyle talks about his dog and explains how his dog is, whether it be the dog's complaining, eating, or weird habits, but in the article he gives his dog personification as if he is talking to him (imagining what the dog would be saying to him). In the story there is reflection and shift in perspective and character ( the dog's character towards Mr. Doyle over time). i don't know whether this article is suppose to be funny and sarcastic or it should be taken more serious, or perhaps both.

2.) Mother Jones" April, 2008

Article: "Voluntary Confinement" By: Michael Mechanic
This article talks about the reality T.V. show called Solitary where they place nine men and women in separate rooms which are very small and cramped for up to 12 days without any human interaction and see which one can last the longest, and the winner walks out with 50,000 dollars. In the process they get barely any sleep and close to no food the entire time. They are talked to by this enabler or computer host named 'Val' who messes with their minds. People talk about whether this show is actual torture and psychologically damaging to the people who play in it, or if it has harmless effects. The creators of the show say that it is harmless and that some players find the solitary "therapeutic".

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