Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 4 Briefing Sheets

1.) April 22, NPR
"With Pennsylvania win, Clinton survives for yet another day"
Clinton wins primary in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, but in the long run, is still behind Obama. She has contests coming up her way that she still has to fight.
Obama also has twice as much funding as Clinton and has already taken the lead to start airing campaign ads in Indiana and North Carolina. Clinton now is starting to fall into debt so she will have to tried toget sponsored by more organizations. A survey conducted for The Associated Press said the winning votes for Clinton were that among whites, women and elders. But with the upcoming North Carolina, both sides are saying that Obama has a great chance at winning.

2.)April 22, 2008

"PA exit polls: Whites, blue-collar voters stick with Clinton"
Clinton proves to be favored by white and elder voter in Pennsylvania who are backing the candidate. The statistics were that Clinton was voted for every 2 or 3 whites without college degrees. and about the same number of whites from families that make 50,000 dollars a yar or less. Some say that people may have been bitter about what Obama said about small-town people being bitter and cling to guns and religion as a result. People who owned guns and went to church regularly voted for Clinton 6 out of 10 times. Unfortunately there were only 1 out of 7 black voters in the state of Pennsylvania, which is smaller than normal.

3.) April 22, 2008
"North Carolina Excited to Have Primary Count"
Voters of North Carolina are really excited for what is to com because they have not seen such an intense and strong election like this one in about 20 years, and a lot of people are rooting for Obama and think he has a strong lead and good chance of winning the vote of the state. As people know, Mrs. Clinton is in debt and has no more funding which leaves another obstacle for her, but Obama has well already made air time for his campaign elections in North Carolina.

4.) April 22, 2008
"Indiana a TOSS-UP"
Indiana is very excited for both the Cinton and Obama campaign to come into town. They have never had this much media coverage for something like this so they love it. People are saying that the outcome of Pennsylvania will affect voters in this state and will improve Mrs. Clinton's chances of winning. Since the economy is not so good right now in Indiana voters are going to be looking for attention brought to that part and what they can do to help the economy; Obama and Clinton are going to have to impress blue-collar workers to get the Indian vote.

5.) April 22, 2008
"Pennsylvania Primary Analysis"
After looking at everything from the Pennsylvania primary, people think the bitter comments and Obama's large amounts of funding did not help him in this primary. After taking some polls from voters, 70% said they would be happy to see Clinton win and 64% said they would rather have Obama win. Also people were found to trust Obama more than Clinton and Clinton had more accounts of attack and negative things to say than Obama did overall.

6.) April 22, 2008
"McCain Woos November Voters as Dems Battle"
While going head to head, state by state, Clinton and Obama battle it out; as for Sen. John McCain he makes his own way through the states, currently in Ohio, trying to make impressions. Taking place at Youngstown University, McCain promised he would balance tax cuts with deep cuts in government spending.But some are skeptical and worry that tax cuts could widen national deficit. McCain also stressed the idea for better job training to help displaced workers adapt to a changing economy. Hopefully McCain's tour of the "Forgotten Areas" in the country will help him win the election.

7.) April 22, 2008
"Young Voters Targeted For Big Turnout"
An interview with Heather Smith, a member of the "Rock the Vote" tour said this is an orgization made to help young people get out there and vote. she mentioned how this generation of young voters from 18 to 25 years old is very much influenced by most of the thing going on right now in the country like the Iraq war, and education, etc. Miss Smith also mentioned how important it has been for each candidate to reach out and do these visits to these campuses around the country and talk about all these decisions that are going to effect our future and how we could have a big influence if we had more young voters out there. Also young voters look for trust and authenticity of a candidate so they know they will be able to trust whoever they vote for.

8.) April 22. 2008
"Clinton, Obama Turn Attention To Indiana"
With a 10 point lead from Pennsylvania Clinton looks forward to moving on to Indiana. After her victory, Clinton showed up on many television shows for interview and stated "
I think the coalition that I've put together, as demonstrated once again last night, is a very strong base for us to beat Senator McCain," on NBC's Today. This race will get tighter and more fierce as Indiana's primary nears.

9.) April 23, 2008
" Clinton Wins, But Dynamics of the Race Stay Same"
Both candidates have won the votes of the expected demographic turnouts.
Peter Brown of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute stated "What Ohio and Pennsylvania have shown is that [Obama] has a serious problem with white, working-class Democrats," and believes this could hurt Obama in the general election if he becomes a Democratic nominee. Basically, Obama has tougher crowds coming up that he will have to woo over. People are expecting a 20 point lead from Obama in North Carolina, but a toss-up in Indiana.

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