Friday, April 18, 2008

Reflective Questions

1.) Prime Rate - The lowest rate of interest on bank loans at a given time and place, offered to preferred borrowers.
This is news because people are constantly borrowing loans from banks and need to know about interest rates so they can figure out which one will save the most money for them. It would connect to me if i had a loan because it would effect my credit and budgeting.

2.)Tibet - Tibet is a country between China and the Indian subcontinent and was under China's communist government for decades.
This is news because it effects the people who are involved and living under the government. it does not really have any connection to me.

3.)Columbia Trade Agreement - negotiations made between U.S. and Columbia that will open new export opportunities for farmers and ranchers.
This is news because it affects both the U.S. and Columbia economy and expenses. This i guess connects to me indirectly.

4.) Iraq military - Military that is provided and who works for Iraq.
This is very important news to know about their military because we are at war with them right now and have alliances in some places and trade agreements.

militia - a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.
This is news because we have U.S. troops that are in the war. It connects me because i am a citizen of the U.S.

U.S. military- the U.S. military consists of all the people who are enlisted and working the the military(U.S. citizens)
This is news because we pay expenses for military and they are at war right now and people who have family members can be affected.

5.) Benedict XVI - was the pope and leader of the Catholic Church in April 2005.
This is news because the pope makes decisions. im not connected to it.

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