Tuesday, April 29, 2008

AD Assignment

1.) My first ad was for KOOL XL Cigarettes. In the ad they have a good- looking guy with a beautiful girl, leaned up against a nice, expensive car while wearing nice clothing and jewelry, and the guy is holding a cigarette in his hand while looking around relaxing. In the next scene it is him at his home, sitting in what looks like a penthouse, he is posing almost expressing like he is calmly thinking about something while smoking a cigarette.

2.) This ad was for men's cologne. It is a close-up picture of a guy and a girl smiling with each other, just maybe getting closer and flirting. The girl appears to be the aggresive one in the photo. It's an ad for OS Signature, a fragrance from Old Spice, and a caption reads: EFFORTLESS APPEAL. This signifies if you wear the fragrance, you will attract women.

All The President's Men Notes

1.) Techniques for gathering information:
  • interviewing/asking questions face to face
  • attending public trials to get information on defendant(s)
  • in the movie, the reporter gets a random phone call with information needed about Watergate
  • calling different sources or places for information
2.) Unethical Techniques:
  • putting pieces together without having or knowing all the facts for sure
  • tricking or manipulating the people interviewed to get facts and answers

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

All The President's Men: Reflection

I really enjoyed watching the movie and discovering all the different ways they collected the information for their story. I learned that you really have to do a lot of research sometimes and it is a hard job. Also you need some credibility or name to be able to print quotes from references. I also learned that it is hard to get information, or maybe right information, from government officials. Making sure you have the right facts and enough information to print the story, making sure you have a story. If you mess up on a story or project it falls upon the shoulders of your employer.

Week 4 Briefing Sheets

1.) April 22, NPR
"With Pennsylvania win, Clinton survives for yet another day"
Clinton wins primary in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, but in the long run, is still behind Obama. She has contests coming up her way that she still has to fight.
Obama also has twice as much funding as Clinton and has already taken the lead to start airing campaign ads in Indiana and North Carolina. Clinton now is starting to fall into debt so she will have to tried toget sponsored by more organizations. A survey conducted for The Associated Press said the winning votes for Clinton were that among whites, women and elders. But with the upcoming North Carolina, both sides are saying that Obama has a great chance at winning.

2.)April 22, 2008

"PA exit polls: Whites, blue-collar voters stick with Clinton"
Clinton proves to be favored by white and elder voter in Pennsylvania who are backing the candidate. The statistics were that Clinton was voted for every 2 or 3 whites without college degrees. and about the same number of whites from families that make 50,000 dollars a yar or less. Some say that people may have been bitter about what Obama said about small-town people being bitter and cling to guns and religion as a result. People who owned guns and went to church regularly voted for Clinton 6 out of 10 times. Unfortunately there were only 1 out of 7 black voters in the state of Pennsylvania, which is smaller than normal.

3.) April 22, 2008
"North Carolina Excited to Have Primary Count"
Voters of North Carolina are really excited for what is to com because they have not seen such an intense and strong election like this one in about 20 years, and a lot of people are rooting for Obama and think he has a strong lead and good chance of winning the vote of the state. As people know, Mrs. Clinton is in debt and has no more funding which leaves another obstacle for her, but Obama has well already made air time for his campaign elections in North Carolina.

4.) April 22, 2008
"Indiana a TOSS-UP"
Indiana is very excited for both the Cinton and Obama campaign to come into town. They have never had this much media coverage for something like this so they love it. People are saying that the outcome of Pennsylvania will affect voters in this state and will improve Mrs. Clinton's chances of winning. Since the economy is not so good right now in Indiana voters are going to be looking for attention brought to that part and what they can do to help the economy; Obama and Clinton are going to have to impress blue-collar workers to get the Indian vote.

5.) April 22, 2008
"Pennsylvania Primary Analysis"
After looking at everything from the Pennsylvania primary, people think the bitter comments and Obama's large amounts of funding did not help him in this primary. After taking some polls from voters, 70% said they would be happy to see Clinton win and 64% said they would rather have Obama win. Also people were found to trust Obama more than Clinton and Clinton had more accounts of attack and negative things to say than Obama did overall.

6.) April 22, 2008
"McCain Woos November Voters as Dems Battle"
While going head to head, state by state, Clinton and Obama battle it out; as for Sen. John McCain he makes his own way through the states, currently in Ohio, trying to make impressions. Taking place at Youngstown University, McCain promised he would balance tax cuts with deep cuts in government spending.But some are skeptical and worry that tax cuts could widen national deficit. McCain also stressed the idea for better job training to help displaced workers adapt to a changing economy. Hopefully McCain's tour of the "Forgotten Areas" in the country will help him win the election.

7.) April 22, 2008
"Young Voters Targeted For Big Turnout"
An interview with Heather Smith, a member of the "Rock the Vote" tour said this is an orgization made to help young people get out there and vote. she mentioned how this generation of young voters from 18 to 25 years old is very much influenced by most of the thing going on right now in the country like the Iraq war, and education, etc. Miss Smith also mentioned how important it has been for each candidate to reach out and do these visits to these campuses around the country and talk about all these decisions that are going to effect our future and how we could have a big influence if we had more young voters out there. Also young voters look for trust and authenticity of a candidate so they know they will be able to trust whoever they vote for.

8.) April 22. 2008
"Clinton, Obama Turn Attention To Indiana"
With a 10 point lead from Pennsylvania Clinton looks forward to moving on to Indiana. After her victory, Clinton showed up on many television shows for interview and stated "
I think the coalition that I've put together, as demonstrated once again last night, is a very strong base for us to beat Senator McCain," on NBC's Today. This race will get tighter and more fierce as Indiana's primary nears.

9.) April 23, 2008
" Clinton Wins, But Dynamics of the Race Stay Same"
Both candidates have won the votes of the expected demographic turnouts.
Peter Brown of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute stated "What Ohio and Pennsylvania have shown is that [Obama] has a serious problem with white, working-class Democrats," and believes this could hurt Obama in the general election if he becomes a Democratic nominee. Basically, Obama has tougher crowds coming up that he will have to woo over. People are expecting a 20 point lead from Obama in North Carolina, but a toss-up in Indiana.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Newspaper Assignment: References

"McCain Outlines Broad Proposals for U.S. Economy"
In this article there are 4 different references in this article; one from the Democratic National Committee, one from McCain, one from Bill Burton, a spokesman for Mr. Obama, and one from Neera Tanden, Mrs. Clinton's policy director.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week 3 briefing sheets: Presidential Election 2008

1.) "McCain Reverses Himseof On Mortgage Position"
McCain switch his position about helping pay mortgages of homeowners in danger of losing their homes. McCain stated "There is nothing more important than keeping alive the American dream to own your home, and priority no.1 is to keep well-meaning, deserving homeowners who are facing foreclosure in their homes." He says he understands the rough times that America is going through. McCain has devised a new mortgage plan designed for needy homeowners- applying to people who could show they would be able to meet the terms of a new, 30-year fixed rate mortgage. It is planned to help 200,000 to 400,000 homeowners. The opposing candidates, Clinton and Obama, both dismissed what statements McCain had made. Obama asserted "I'm glad he's finally offered a plan. Better late than never...But don't expect any real answers. Dont expect it to actually help struggling families..."

2.) "Downturn in the Economy Is Reviving Rift Over '96 Welfare Change"
Mrs. Clinton showed interest and care towards the downward economy and it's effects on people who are more vulnerable like people in lower classes. Clinton believes "Welfare should have been a temporary way station for people who needed immediate assistance. It should not be considered an anti-poverty program. It simply did not work." Mr. Obama agrees with Mrs. Clinton on some issues we have to take care of like welfare and health insurance. Even though showing a more liberal image, accusations from some liberals claim that she sold out their principles for a politically calculated centrism. Clinton said she will continue to press legislation about having increased financing for child care for poor mothers by up o $11 billion dollars; expanding food stamps and allowing welfare recipients to draw cash aid while attending school.

3.)"Has Praise For Obama"
Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell may have contributed $2,300 dollars to McCain's campaign but is saving his biggest praise for Senator Obama. Mr. Powell said he "admired" how Mr. Obama handled a speech last month on race and had agreed with much of what Obama had to say about controversial sermons of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Mr. Powell is impressed by Obama's ability to "learn quickly".

4.) "First Question For Clinton: Be Aggressive or Lay Off?"
Should Clinton make more attacks at Obama or not? She has used both approaches before and both have had positive feedback. Since Feb. 26 Clinton has made little progress in the election and now she is trailing behind Obama. So because she is behind in the election some think she will use a softer approach to the public and more sympathetic. "Senator Clinton doesn't want to do anything that make her look like a spoiler," says Bill Carrick, a veteran Democratic strategist. "Clinton will be more aggressive. This is still a "do better or prepare to lose" moment," says Donna Brazile, Al Gore's campaign manager in 2000.

5.) " A Mayor in the Obama Mold, But Backing Clinton"
Even though very into Obama and what he stands for, Mayor Michael A. Nutter has endorsed Clinton in Pennsylvania on April 22nd. Some people of the community are shocked about the donation to back Mrs. Clinton and has caused some speculating, but people trust Mr. Nutter's decision and support him. Mr. Nutter had stated " He's a really nice guy who's talking about really important issues, and I am aware that he is African American," referring to Mr. Obama. He backs both candidates in this election because they are talking about fixing issues that Mr. Nutter himself is concerned with and believes needs improving.

6.) "Views on Money for Iraq War, and What Else Could Be Done With It"
Last week Obama had told voter in West Virgina that the war was costing each American Household $100 a month. John McCain believes that success in Iraq justifies any cost and that over-spending in other area is causing the strain on the federal budget. The cost of war a year is $120 billion a year and the money would be enough to cover the projected cost of Mrs. Clinton's universal health care plan, pay for Obama's less inclusive health care plan and his proposal to bail out homeowners with troubled mortgages. Even the American public believes it is the war that is worsening domestic economic problems. Mr. McCain plans to pay for tax cuts and modernizing the military by eliminating earmarks and wasteful spending from the federal budget.

7.) "McCain Outlines Broad Proposals for U.S. Economy"
McCain proposed a 18.4 cent drop in gas prices from Memorial day to Labor Day, and said he would provide " an immediate economic stimulus." An analysis done by the Democratic National Committee, suggested that Mr. McCain proposed tax cuts, coupled with the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that he wants to continue, would put the budget trillions of dollars into the red. Mr. McCain made Obama and Clinton look like tax raisers by stating " They're going to raise your taxes by thousands of dollars per year, and they have the audacity to hope you don't mind." Both are said to have good intentions but focus attention to different areas; McCain more benefiting corporations and Clinton would help middle- class families.

8.) The Caucus: "Debate on Debate"
The question is coming up, what more can these candidates point out and what other ideas do they have? Clinton has agreed to do an interview in North Carolina on April 27th . Many voters are watching Obama. Both are believed to be doing well.

9.) On The Air: "New Support for Clinton
The American Leadership Project, a supporting group that backs Clinton, are going to spend about $250,000 on commercials for Mrs. Clinton

10.) "Taking Aim at Elitism"
At Harverford College, in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Michelle Obama gave a strong speech about the criticism her husband received. She talked about the big plans that Obama has proposed for if he gets presidency.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Reflective Questions

1.) Prime Rate - The lowest rate of interest on bank loans at a given time and place, offered to preferred borrowers.
This is news because people are constantly borrowing loans from banks and need to know about interest rates so they can figure out which one will save the most money for them. It would connect to me if i had a loan because it would effect my credit and budgeting.

2.)Tibet - Tibet is a country between China and the Indian subcontinent and was under China's communist government for decades.
This is news because it effects the people who are involved and living under the government. it does not really have any connection to me.

3.)Columbia Trade Agreement - negotiations made between U.S. and Columbia that will open new export opportunities for farmers and ranchers.
This is news because it affects both the U.S. and Columbia economy and expenses. This i guess connects to me indirectly.

4.) Iraq military - Military that is provided and who works for Iraq.
This is very important news to know about their military because we are at war with them right now and have alliances in some places and trade agreements.

militia - a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.
This is news because we have U.S. troops that are in the war. It connects me because i am a citizen of the U.S.

U.S. military- the U.S. military consists of all the people who are enlisted and working the the military(U.S. citizens)
This is news because we pay expenses for military and they are at war right now and people who have family members can be affected.

5.) Benedict XVI - was the pope and leader of the Catholic Church in April 2005.
This is news because the pope makes decisions. im not connected to it.

Diversity Wheel: My Personality

My personality is a very strong one but also a very caring and funny. I think because I am a female I am more sympathetic towards woman world-wide and issues involving them. Growing up in Marysville my perspective of the economy is middle class and though I am not very religious, i do have faith in the Lord which i thinks gives me a more optimistic view. I am 19 years old so I am naive, curious, and indecisive and so my point of view of the world may be ignorant at times. I am white so I haven't been through hardships of that of someone of color so I wouldn't know what it is like. I love animals and people so I am very trusting and loving and vulnerable and view the world as a good place i guess for the most part.

Culture question

Culture is defined as the symbols of expression that individual groups, and societies use to make sense of daily life and to articulate their values. I agree with this definition of culture because culture is what separates us and makes us different from one another. Culture is related to communication because the way that people communicate within their specific groups, is purposely made so they can understand each other without having other people understand because they might come from a different area or different class or grew up with different morals, etc.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

week 2: briefing summary 8

April 9, 2008
Although criticizing outside organizations and their less than helpful donations and compromises, Senator Obama is said to have remained silent about his 5.2 million dollars that has been donated by the Service Employees International Union in Pennsylvania, and hospitals that have raised 513,000 for his campaign as well; compared to Clinton's campaign that has received 2.3 million from American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

week 2: briefing summary 7

NYTIMES.com The Caucus
April 9, 2008
At a speech given this week at Hopewell High School in Aliquippa, PA, Senator Clinton had mentioned Senator McCain wants to stay in the war with Iraq for the next 100 years, which of course is an exaggeration, but this remark was previously stated by Senator Obama also regarding McCain. Clinton also bashes Obama, stating he“says he’ll end the war but his top foreign policy adviser said he won’t necessarily follow the plan he’s been talking about during this campaign, that the plan is just words. Well, you can count on me to end the war safely and responsibly."

week 2: briefing summary 6

April 9, 2008
Senator John D. Rockefeller IV apologized to Senator John McCain about the comment he made in an interview this past Monday. Rockefeller stated: “McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit. What happened when they get to the ground? He doesn’t know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues.” After the comment was made The McCain campaign demanded apologizes from both Rockefeller and the Obama campaign. As Rrockefeller's apology was sincere and heartfelt, the one from Obama's campaign was a lot more short and brief.

week 2: briefing summary 5

April 8, 2008
Obama is very popular among the nation of young people. These young people are now trying to influence their parents decisions about voting for Obama for president, even though it could be a tough crowd to convince. Even though maybe tough to convince, this movement will bring positive outcomes for Senator Obama.

week 2: briefing summary 4

April 7, 2008
Some question and are concerned about Barack Obama's decision about ending the war with Iraq, and Dick Morris, former Clinton administrator strategist, stated "While the war is unpopular, so are any of the alternatives we have to deal with it." But will Obama show strong enough to America to win the election?

week 2: briefing summary 3

April 7, 2008
Obama is now expressing his patriot side which many Americans feared did not exist. Citizens question his patriotism though; the issue about his hand not being over his heart during the Pledge of Allegience at a ceremony, but Obama stated the photo that was used against him was actually during the National Anthem and he was participating by singing along.

week 2: briefing summary 2

April 8, 2008
Both Obama and Clinton want to provide a plan to start withdrawing troops this smmer from Iraq so we can devise more efficient ways to solve problems with the middle east. But McCain still strongly supports the Iraq war and wants to continue with it, which some see as a liability it his campaign.

week 2: briefing summary 1

April 8, 2008
Clinton's lead in Pennsylvania is getting smaller as we reach the state's April 22nd primary. Obama is gaining white voters and is now leading by 4 points among males. Clinton is currently more favorable at a 71 percent lead to Obama's 67 percent.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

briefing summary 10

Fox News
April 1, 2008

Missouri Rep. Emanual Cleaver states that Obama is articulate, which attracts white voters, "[F]or White Americans, it's like, this guy can speak." Cleaver says he would be surprised if Obama doesn't win. Some believe having Obama as the next president will end some of the race issues that this country faces.

briefing summary 9

Fox News
April 1, 2008

Senator Obama wins the attention and votes of Jewish Leaders in Pennsylvania and praise him for condemning the controversial sermons of his former pastor REV. Jeremiah Wright Jr. They also respect Obama because of his commitment to a peaceful and prosperous Israel.

briefing summary 8

CNN News
April 1, 2008

McCain visits his old high school from where he graduated to try to reach the younger generation on a personal level and try to relate to the future generations. He talked about how he turned from a rambunctious teenage boy to a responsible political leader, and about his memories with an old teacher who was a great mentor and saying how every child should have someone like that in their lives.

briefing summary 7

CNN News
April 1, 2008

Clinton seems to be known as the "underdog" in the political race but still feels she has a chance in Pennsylvania. She stated that Obama's campaign was trying to stop people from voting but Clinton fired back on Monday in Montana, "My take on it is a lot of Sen. Obama's supporters want to end this race because they don't want people to keep voting..." "I want the people of Montana to vote, don't you?" Clinton though, seems to not be far behind in the Presidential Election of 2008.

briefing summary 6

CNN News
April 1, 2008

Talks about wanting to finish the fence along the United States and Mexico boarder is something that all three candidates will plan on finishing if elected. McCain was not to fond of the idea at first, but has now agreed that he would like to see it finished as well. This is something that will play as a positive aspect in the election for all three candidates.

briefing summary 5

CNN News
April 1, 2008

Clinton and Obama both fight hard for votes from Pennsylvania and try to win crowds by stating they will lower taxes and gas prices. Both parties have worked out plans for starting new and lower gas prices but fail to create much change. Lowering gas prices is one thing that all 3 fellow candidates claim they plan on doing.

briefing summary 4

CNN News
April 1, 2008

Citizens are questioning John McCain's age at 71 years old and whether this will be an insurance issue or affect congress. McCain's temper and getting angry with situations also makes citizens nervous about voting for him because they are not sure how he will retaliate when faced with bad decisions or with other countries. Could he control his so-called "temper"?

briefing summary 3

CNN News
April 1, 2008

After the attacks made from Obama said about McCain and his decisions about the war with Iraq, McCain stated at his campaign in Pennsylvania that Obama does not know anything about National Security Issues.

briefing summary 2

CNN News
April 1, 2008

When discussing issues involving the war, Obama says to the citizens of the United States that he would not like to continue the war with Iraq, unlike McCain who Obama claims "wants to stay at war with Iraq for the next 100 years", however McCain states that he did not make this claim; although McCain stated that if elected, he will continue the war with Iraq. Majority of people seem to be following Obama.

briefing summary 1

Fox News LIVE
April 1, 2008

Both Democratic parties from both the Clinton and Obahma campaign have been firing attacks and down-talking McCain's campaign. Both Obahma and Clinton have been saying how his ideas for the government and the country will not benefit anyone.